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Music at King’s Schools

Music is a Gift

" filled with the Holy Spirit, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs among yourselves, and making music to the Lord in your hearts." - Ephesians 5:18-19 NLT


Music is a gift that engages every part of us. Students at King’s participate in vocal and instrumental music, rhythm, and listening skills. They learn about other cultures and worldwide expressions of music, gain a knowledge of music theory, and grow in skill and confidence with opportunities to perform and lead worship.   

Elementary School    


Our kindergarteners participate in group singing, rhythmic activities, and musical games. Musical concepts are reinforced through story and movement. They develop an appreciation for and enjoyment of music and worship.  

Grades 1-3 

Music in the early elementary grades emphasizes group singing, rhythmic activities, and engaging musical games; reinforcing musical concepts through story, digital/visual aids, hands-on exploration of percussion instruments, and movement; development of choral and public performance skills; studying music history; and nurturing an appreciation for and enjoyment of various music styles and worship.  

Grades 4-6 

Upper elementary students have the opportunity to learn an instrument with an emphasis ranging from basic skills to advanced mastery with opportunities for public performances. Vocal music focuses on developing the singing voice, choral tone and choral skills; reinforcing musical concepts through rhythmic activities and hands-on exploration of digital music production using iPad technology; studying music history; developing an appreciation for and enjoyment of various music styles; and empowering students to lead worship.  

Junior High 

Students in 7th grade can take Introduction to Drama and Performance which teaches them musical performance skills. With that as a pre-requisite, they can take Advanced Drama/Musical in 8th grade, which is a two-quarter class that prepares them to present the 8th grade musical, Broadway, Jr. The instrumental elective in Junior High is Guitar. 

High School 

Music programs at King’s allow students to develop talent through training and performance. Choir, orchestra, and student-directed worship opportunities engage students in high-quality instruction and allow students to utilize their gifts through concerts, outreach in local and global communities and community service. Students may enroll in the following classes: 

  • Worship Arts 
  • Orchestra 
  • Choir