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King’s Athletic Facilities


In 1948, our CRISTA Ministries founders, Mike and Vivian Martin removed their shoes while they walked the grounds of what is now King’s Schools. Mike and Vivian walked with their shoes off, praying for what the Lord told them was Holy Ground. Years later, this Holy Ground remains.

Our athletic facilities are no exception, each one with rich history and stories of God’s faithfulness. Woolsey Stadium, Mike Martin Gym, and King’s Garden Gym are more than just athletic facilities, they are Holy Ground that we are honored to have in our King’s Community. Our athletic facilities bring the King’s Community together every day.   

Woolsey Stadium

Woolsey Stadium receives its name from George B. Woolsey. Woolsey was the groundskeeper from 1950-1967. Stories are told that Mr. Woolsey required P.E. classes to pick up rocks and throw them over the hill to help clear the area to plant grass. The attention to detail and cleanliness of the stadium has stood the test of time and remain today. In 1979 King’s held a “jog-a-thon,” raising enough money to put the first all-weather track in the area. Fast forward to 2007, a synthetic surface replaced the grass, making Woolsey Stadium one of the top five venues to watch a game in Washington State, according to the Seattle Times.

Woolsey Stadium is home to our football, soccer, cross country, and track teams. Under the lights of Woolsey Stadium, you can experience both our Junior High and High School football and soccer teams taking the field. You can also watch our cross country and track teams race their opponents. In addition to sporting events at Woolsey Stadium, King’s Community events like our Convocation and Carnival also occur at the stadium. Thanks to our wonderful donors, Woolsey Stadium received a brand-new track and field this year.

King’s Athletic Facilities

Mike Martin Gym

Mike Martin Gym receives its name from our CRISTA Ministries founder, Mike Martin. Mike Martin was a faithful man of God, called to start a Christian home for the youth, which later turned into a whole family of ministries, including King’s Schools. Mike Martin Gym was built in 1968. Since then, the only change that has been made is a weight room where athletes can train and condition for their sport season.

Athletes, students, teachers, and parents keep Mike Martin Gym occupied almost all hours of the day. Our High School Physical Education classes take place in Mike Martin Gym. Students use this space to learn how to keep their bodies healthy and active. Both our High School volleyball and basketball teams practice and compete at Mike Martin Gym. Our King’s community gathers in this space for several assemblies during the year, including our Homecoming production in December. The walls of Mike Martin Gym are adorned with 52 State Championship and 11 Scholastic Cup banners.

King’s Athletic Facilities

King’s Garden

King’s Garden was the original name Mike Martin gave CRISTA Ministries. Hoping to create a place where youth could experience Jesus, Mike Martin founded King’s Garden in 1949. In 1979, King’s Garden officially became CRISTA Ministries. Decades later, King’s Garden Gym serves that original purpose by being a place for our Junior High Students to see God through athletics and physical education.

In King’s Garden Gym, you can find our Junior High athletics and Physical Education classes. Our Junior High basketball and volleyball teams practice and compete in this gym. The High School DECA Holiday Show and several Junior High events use this space throughout the year.

King’s Athletic Facilities