Back-to-school is right around the corner! As the exhilarating days of Summer begin to wind down and the anticipation of a new school year starts to build, you may need some back-to-school tips. At King’s Schools, a private Christian School in Shoreline, WA, we are eagerly preparing to welcome our students for the new year. Transitioning from the freedom of Summer to the structure of a school year can be a challenge, but we’re here to share some tips to make it smoother.  

Put the School Start Date on the Family Calendar  

Adding the school start date to the family calendar is an easy way to get your children excited about the upcoming year and alleviate the nerves they could be feeling about Summer coming to an end and the school year starting. The academic year at King’s Preschool and K-12th school commences on September 6, 2023. Foster your child’s enthusiasm by marking a countdown to the first day of school on your family calendar. 

Back-to-School Shopping Day 

Whether you have a preschooler or a senior in high school, going back-to-school shopping is one of the most exciting ways to make sure your child is excited for the upcoming academic year.  Additionally, it will leave you feeling more prepared with all the necessary supplies acquired ahead of time. Whether it is curriculum and books, shoes and outfits, or calculators and pencils, make a weekend out of it and take the whole family. Here are ten fun back-to-school items to make your shopping day more interesting.  

Find a “Go to School Friend”

Throughout the course of this Summer, children have been playing outside, enjoying the sunshine, and spending time with their friends. As you consider where they will attend school this Fall, talk to other families at church, or neighbors. In addition, consider scheduling a tour at King’s Schools, where you will have the opportunity to meet other families. Changing schools or beginning a new school can be very difficult, but your child knowing at least one friend ahead of time can make the transition much easier.   

Make Lunches Ahead of Time

Preparing your child’s lunch ahead of their day is a thoughtful way to provide for them. It is also an excellent opportunity to include a note of encouragement for the day or week. If they are planning on eating school lunches, place a note of encouragement in their backpack before they leave in the morning. There is nothing like having an encouraging note from Mom or Dad before the school day begins.   

Talk about Back-to-School Expectations

Discuss with them what their goals are for the year – academically, athletically, or socially. Talking with your children about the upcoming year is one of the best ways to prepare for going back-to-school. Check out why it is important for your child to be involved with extracurricular activities.  

Establish a Back-to-School Routine 

Summer often brings spontaneous ice cream trips and late-night family game sessions, creating a laid-back routine. However, as we gear up for school, it’s crucial to reestablish a more structured daily schedule. A week before school starts, set regular times for waking up, lunch, and dinner. This simple act will help everyone adjust to the rhythm of the school days ahead.  

Implement an Earlier Bedtime

The long, sunlit evenings of Summer often result in later bedtimes. As we transition back to school, it’s time to reintroduce earlier bedtimes. Start adjusting your child’s sleep schedule a week before school begins. This gradual shift will make it easier for them to fall asleep when the school nights roll around.  

Create a Family Calendar 

The return to school usually signals a flurry of activities, from sports to extracurricular events. Keeping track of everything can be a challenge. Whether you prefer a traditional paper calendar in your kitchen or a digital one on your phone, a family calendar will help keep everyone organized and on the same page. Take a look at King’s Schools 2023-24 Academic Calendar.  

Initiate a Tech Reset   

Has your family’s screen time increased over the Summer? It’s not uncommon for Netflix marathons and video gaming to ramp up during the break from routine. A tech reset can be a great way to refocus and prepare for the upcoming academic year. Check out this helpful podcast that outlines steps for a successful tech reset. Listen here.   

Pray Over the School Year   

As a Christian school, we firmly believe in the power of prayer. Take time as a family to pray over the coming school year. Pray specifically for teachers, friends, and the experiences that lie ahead. Rest assured, we are King’s teachers, and staff are also praying for every student, parent, and teacher. We’re excited to see the amazing things God has in store for this school year!  

These back-to-school tips will assist in making the transition from Summer to the new 2023-2024 school year seamless. Remember, we’re all in this together, and King’s Schools community is here to support each other. Here’s to a fantastic school year full of learning, growth, and joy! If you are in the Seattle, WA, area, we would love to show you what makes King’s Schools so special. Schedule a tour today!