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Spring Break Trips

April 23, 2019

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Spring Break trips – whether local, international, mission-based, or a tour of our Nation’s Capital – have become an annual tradition at King’s that have also given many students opportunities of a lifetime. Each missions group went into their weeks with specific goals and objectives and walked away with a better understanding of what it means to serve. Check out what the teams did:

 Costa Rica

The purpose of the Costa Rica trip, led by Mrs. Shorack and Mr. Dotson, was to serve, bring encouragement and learn from those living in poverty in San José, Costa Rica.  The group was joined by the leaders of Connect Ministries who live and serve in Managua, Nicaragua. Together the two groups worked alongside an ongoing ministry in Costa Rica called Fundación Génesis. The students did several activities at a daycare and school doing many crafts, singing and using the EvangeCube to tell the gospel.  They also spent time at a home for adults with special needs making bracelets and playing games. The goal for the Costa Rica team was to see and learn and grow in our faith, as well as build deeper relationships with each other.


17 students traveled to Vigo, Spain in order to serve the communities of Vigo and Moaña. Led by Ms. Morris and Mrs. McCormick, the group stayed at the YWAM base and focused on building relationships with the YWAM leaders and locals in the community. One of the most edifying service events included hosting a VBS for children and an English club for the citizens of Moaña. After many days in Moaña, the students traveled to Santiago. While there, the students walked more than 32 kilometers on the Camino de Santiago, a 500-kilometer spiritual journey stretching from France to the coast of Spain. After the hike, the students stopped at the House of Hope and visited the Cathedral of Saint James to hear stories of those who had walked the Camino. Overall, the students were able to embrace the culture of Spain while doing the Lord´s work.

San Diego/Tijuana

The Borderlands trip was led by Mrs. Lewis and Mr. Crane. On the trip, students were given the chance to hear the stories of migrants who have fled their homes in search of a safer and more peaceful life for themselves and their families. The group also learned from the peacemakers with The Global Immersion Project and went through the four practices as it relates to immigration: See, Immerse, Content, and Restore. The students talked through these four steps to restore things in our own community.

Arizona – Living Faith

King’s High School Living Faith Music Group went to Casa Grande, Arizona and vicinity during Spring break to work with the Pima Native American Indian Tribe, along with neighboring Nations. 15 students along with two leaders, Mrs. Hudon, and Mr. Hall went on the trip.  They worked with many Native American pastors to support the local churches in the community of Blackwater, Sucatone Flats and Casa Grande, Arizona.  The group renovated a church, conducted a kid’s club each evening, cleaned up several overgrown yards, sang at several churches and community events, and offered love and support to many in need.


The Jamaica group, led by Mrs. Jansen, visited a children’s home, worked with Grace Baptist Church in Oracabessa building a home for a church family (Tash, Devon, Devante, and Daunte), built a gazebo for the church to hold outdoor functions, held a church movie night, taught art lessons to over 400 4th-6th grade students at the primary school and did afternoon crafts and sports with the basic school (preschool) as well as helping with lessons. It was a hard, busy, fun, and spirit-filled week!


The Swaziland team was led by Ms. Haberman and Ms. Gabelein. The group worked with an organization called Days for Girls, teaching girls about their body and how to keep it healthy.

La Casa

Several of King’s families traveled to Mexico to build and minister to the Hernandez family.  While there, the group enjoyed a reunion with the Macias-Tellez and Molina-Reyez families and were able to see spiritual seeds of eternal life being planted.

Washington DC

The Washington D.C. trip has been a tradition at King’s for over 30 years. Over Spring Break, Ms. Kemper and Mr. Wright took a group of 8th graders to our Nation’s Capital. The trip was full of amazing sites and experiences. From museums, government buildings, Forefathers homes, Gettysburg battlefield, memorials, Colonial Williamsburg and Jamestown. One of the group’s highlights was going to Arlington Cemetery where four of the students had the honor of being able to lay a wreath at the tomb of the Unknown Soldier. The students and chaperones were blessed in so many ways with good health, safe travels and opportunities to see how our country was founded on many principles that are based on our Faith in Christ. If you or your 7th grade student are interested in being a part of this trip next year, you can save on your overall cost by signing up early.