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King’s High School Mock Trial

What is Mock Trial?

Starting as early as junior high, students at King’s can be a part of the Mock Trial program. When they transition to high school, the Mock Trial Team competes both locally and nationally.

In Mock Trial, students receive real-world courtroom experience acting out a civil or criminal trial by arguing for either the prosecution or defense side against another team, which acts as the opposing side. Mock Trial is not just for students interested in the legal field. Mock Trial teaches students how to critically think on their feet, analyze data, and speak confidently in public.

The Mock Trial team consists of students who will either act as the lawyer or the witness, both positions requiring knowledge of the case and the ability to think quickly on their feet. The team works through either a civil or criminal case. Mock Trial competitions incorporate all aspects of a real trial – pre-motions, opening statements, witness testimonies with cross-examinations, closing arguments, and objections.

King’s Mock Trial Team Success

The KHS Mock Trial team has been competing for thirteen years. Ten out of the thirteen years, they have won the district competition. The team has had four third-place finishes at State, along with two second-place finishes. Every competition, the team walks away with “Best Attorney” and “Best Witness” awards. In addition to competing at the local level, Mock Trial travels around the country for competitions. Mock Trial has competed in New York, Chicago, San Francisco, and Las Vegas. The team has competed in the Harvard and Yale Competitions, which are nationally recognized.

King’s High School Mock Trial

Mock Trial’s Greatest Success is the Students

Thirteen years ago, Seattle Attorney Paul Brown and King’s High School teacher Marian Morris teamed up to create the Mock Trial Program at King’s High School. When discussing the program’s success Mrs. Morris says, “We have won a ton of trophies over the last few years, but our real trophies are our kids. It is incredible to see a freshman walk into our class deathly afraid of public speaking and transform into a confident young adult who could speak in front of anyone.” Both Mrs. Morris and Mr. Brown see their students as the real success.

Ten of their former students are now law school students. Mr. Brown explains, “You make predictions off of past performance – King’s creates successful college graduates who are excellent critical thinkers.” Mrs. Morris and Mr. Brown are excited to be a part of raising the next generation of critical thinkers from King’s Schools.

King’s High School Mock Trial

Students Excel in Law School because of the King’s Mock Trial Program

Mason Hudon, King’s High School class of 2014, attributes where he is today to his years on the Mock Trial team. Mock Trial taught Mason how to be professional in stressful environments. In the Mock Trial program, students work with local legal experts and practitioners as they prepare their cases for competition.

As a third-year law school student, Mason shares that what he learned while on the King’s Mock Trial team formed the basis for his real-life courtroom presence abilities and critical thinking skills. Mason uses his Mock Trial skills daily.

“The structure of the Mock Trial program exposed me to a plethora of people and their views on politics, the legislature, the state of the law, and professional public speaking that have had a continued impact on me to this day,” shared Mason. Whether Mason was playing a witness or serving as an attorney, his time on the King’s Mock Trial team was not only rewarding but a fun experience as well. He hopes the program continues to impact King’s Students, just like him.

King’s High School Mock Trial